Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH), we are pleased to welcome you to this issue of MD Conference Express®—the official highlights report of the ISTH 2015 Congress in Toronto, Canada.

While some of the research studies presented at the live congress were simultaneously published in the academic literature, many others may not be published for some time. To bridge the gap between live presentation and publication, the ISTH has partnered with MD Conference Express to rapidly disseminate information for practitioners as to how the data presented at the conference may impact their practice. The application of a rigorous review process ensures the accuracy of these conference highlights and provides a reliable interim information source prior to the research being vetted by the standard journal peer-review process. The articles selected for this highlights report were chosen from the hundreds of presentations at the congress and represent interesting topics of relevance to a broad range of practitioners and researchers in thrombosis, hemostasis, and vascular biology around the world.

We hope that you find this special highlights report from ISTH 2015 beneficial and a valuable service. Please share your comments with us. We also invite you to visit the ISTH online at for more information about our Society and its activities around the world.

Kind regards,

Sam Schulman, MD
ISTH 2015 Congress President

Jeffrey Weitz, MD
ISTH 2015 Scientific Program Chair

Nigel Key, MB, ChB, FRCP
ISTH Chair of Council