Librarian Resources

Trial and Subscription Information 

To request more information about trials or subscription pricing, please contact us.

Account Services

All of the account services for MD Conference Express are available through the SAGE Journals portal, so if you have an existing account to access SAGE Journals, you can login with that account. If you do not have an exisitng account, please create a new account. If you're not sure if you have an account or need help signing in, please contact us.

If you need help using any of the account services, we have a step-by-step SAGE Journals Portal Account Administrator Guide.


Usage Reports

Access the COUNTER 4-compliant usage reports. Usage reports are available through the SAGE Journals administrator interface, so you can use the same login information for both accounts if you subscribe to SAGE Journals.

Usage reports for MD Conference Express are based on the COUNTER reports for journals and periodicals (JR reports).


Library Discoverability