Good Success Rate at 6 Years following Meniscal Repair with ACLR

Article Figures & Data


  • Figure 1.

    Time to Medial and Lateral Repair Failure

    Note that medial repairs appeared to fail early (2.1 years), while lateral repair failures more commonly occurred late (3.7 years).Reproduced from Westermann RW et al. Meniscal repair with concurrent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction operative success and patient outcomes at 6-year follow-up. Am J Sports Med 2014; DOI: 10.1177/0363546514536022. Copyright © 2014 American Orthopaedic Society of Sports Medicine.
  • Figure 2.

    Marx Activity Scores Decreases Over Time

    Marx score correlates with activity level and returning to pivoting sports.Reproduced with permission from RW Westermann, MD.