PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Nichols, Emma Hitt ED - Page, Valerie TI - Haloperidol Does Not Prevent Delirium in Ventilated ICU Patients DP - 2013 Aug 01 TA - MD Conference Express PG - 16--17 VI - 13 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - AB - Treatment of ventilated patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) with haloperidol or intravenous saline resulted in similar rates of delirium- and coma-free days. This article presents data from the Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial to Compare the Early Administration of Intravenous Haloperidol Versus Placebo in the Prevention and Treatment of Delirium in Critically Ill Ventilated Patients [HOPE-ICU; ISRCTN83567338].