PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Parry, Nicola ED - Kolb, Christof TI - Dual Chamber ICD Therapy Associated with Fewer Inappropriate Shocks DP - 2013 Sep 01 TA - MD Conference Express PG - 19--20 VI - 13 IP - 12 4099 - 4100 - AB - This article presents data from an international multicenter study, demonstrating that patients with dual-chamber (DC) implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) experienced a significantly lower incidence of inappropriate shocks compared with those with single-chamber devices, with no difference in all-cause mortality between the two groups. The Optimal Anti-tachycardia Therapy in ICD Patients Without Pacing Indications study [OPTION; NCT00729703] was designed to test the hypothesis that DC ICD therapy with specific device-based algorithms would reduce the rate of inappropriate shocks without affecting morbidity and mortality by ventricular pacing.