PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Vinall, Phil ED - Hites, Maya TI - Standard Dosage Regimens of Broad-Spectrum β-Lactams are Inadequate to Treat “Difficult-to-Treat” Pathogens in Obese Noncritically Ill Patients DP - 2012 Dec 01 TA - MD Conference Express PG - 28--28 VI - 12 IP - 14 4099 - 4100 - AB - Results of a large case series of broad spectrum β-lactam agents in obese noncritically ill patients with infection treated using standard dose regimens showed insufficient measured serum concentrations to treat difficult-to-treat pathogens. This article presents a poster [Hites et al. ICAAC 2012 a-637] that suggested altered pharmacokinetics in obese patients may be responsible.