PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Buckley, Rita ED - Mehilli, Julinda TI - DES Reduce the Need for Repeat Revascularization: Results from the ISAR-CABG Trial DP - 2011 Jun 01 TA - MD Conference Express PG - 22--22 VI - 11 IP - 3 4099 - 4100 - AB - Investigators from the Efficacy Study of Drug-Eluting and Bare Metal Stents in Bypass Graft Lesions [ISAR-CABG; NCT00611910] report that treatment of saphenous vein graft lesions with drug-eluting stents may decrease the long-term need for repeat target lesion revascularization by approximately 50% compared with bare metal stents, making DES the preferred way to reduce restenosis in bypass grafts.