High Fatty Acids and Low Fiber Intake is Associated with CRC

Article Figures & Data


  • Figure 1.

    The Rotterdam Study

    RS=Rotterdam Study; RS1=baseline examination of original cohort; RS2, RS3, and RS4=reexaminations of the original cohort; RSPlus1=extension of the cohort with individuals in the study district who became age 55 years since the start of the study or those age 55 years or older who migrated into the study district; RSPlus2=reexamination of the extension cohort; RSYoung1=baseline examination of all individuals age 45 years or older living in the study district who had not been examined.Hofman A et al. The Rotterdam Study: objectives and design update. Eur J Epidemiol. 2007; 22: 819–829. With permission from Springer Publishing Company.