Primary Outcome With Maintained or Lowered High- and Low-Dose Edoxaban
Edox, edoxaban; FXa, factor Xa; HD, high-dose; LD, low-dose; NA, not applicable; SEE, systemic embolic event.Reproduced with permission from C Ruff, MD, MPH.
Edox, edoxaban; FXa, factor Xa; HD, high-dose; LD, low-dose; NA, not applicable; SEE, systemic embolic event.Reproduced with permission from C Ruff, MD, MPH.
Edox, edoxaban; FXa, factor Xa; HD, high-dose; LD, low-dose; NA, not applicable; SEE, systemic embolic event.Reproduced with permission from C Ruff, MD, MPH.