PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Parry, Nicola ED - Sonnenblick, Amir TI - Docetaxel Added to Anthracycline Regimens Benefits Patients with Highly Proliferative ER-Positive Breast Cancer DP - 2014 Dec 01 TA - MD Conference Express PG - 13--14 VI - 14 IP - 36 4099 - 4100 - AB - Adding taxanes to an anthracycline-based chemotherapy regimen in the adjuvant setting has become a standard approach in the management of patients with breast cancer. However, long-term outcomes data are still lacking regarding the safety and efficacy of this approach. This article presents data from the 10-year final safety and efficacy analyses of the Intergroup Phase 3 BIG 2-98 trial [NCT00174655].