4F-PCC Reverses Apixaban Anticoagulation in Healthy Volunteers


Apixaban anticoagulation was rapidly reversed by 4 factor–prothrombin complex concentrate in healthy volunteers, as measured by endogenous thrombin potential. Adverse events occurred more frequently after 4 factor–prothrombin complex concentrate compared with placebo, most commonly nasopharyngitis and abdominal pain. However, there were no reports of thrombosis or other serious adverse events.

  • 4 factor–prothrombin complex concentrate
  • reversal
  • anticoagulant
  • endogenous thrombin potential
  • apixaban
  • 4F-PCC
  • Reversibility of Apixaban Anticoagulation With the Four Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate Kcentra
  • 4PAR
  • NCT02270918
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