PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Vinall, Maria ED - Böhm, Michael TI - EASD/ESC Symposium: Renal Denervation DP - 2012 Dec 01 TA - MD Conference Express PG - 32--33 VI - 12 IP - 16 4099 - 4100 - AB - Hypertensive individuals, who cannot achieve target blood pressure (BP) levels despite being treated with triple-drug regimens, including a diuretic, are diagnosed as having resistant hypertension (rHT) [Calhoun DA et al. Circulation 2008], which is an increasingly common clinical problem [Egan BM et al. Circulation 2011]. Renal sympathetic hyperactivity is influential in the maintenance and progression of hypertension, while the interruption of sympathetic nerves in the kidney has a strong impact on BP and survival. This article discusses the impact of renal denervation as a treatment for hypertension.