ORIGIN Trial: Insulin Glargine and n-3 Fatty Acids Neither Reduces CV Events Nor Increases Cancers in Diabetic Patients


Insulin glargine used to target normal fasting glucose for more than 6 years had a neutral effect on cardiovascular (CV) outcomes and cancers in high-risk patients with impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), or early diabetes. Although it reduced new onset diabetes, insulin glargine also increased hypoglycemia and modestly increased weight in the Outcome Reduction with Initial Glargine Intervention Trial [ORIGIN Trial Investigators. N Engl J Med 2012]. In the same trial, daily supplementation with n-3 fatty acids did not reduce CV events.

  • Insulin Diabetes Mellitus
  • Diabetes & Endocrinology Clinical Trials
  • Hyperglycemia/Hypoglycemia
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