PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Vinall, Maria ED - Reginster, Jean-Yves TI - The SEKOIA Trial: A Structural and Symptomatic Efficacy DP - 2012 01 TA - MD Conference Express PG - 20--20 VI - 12 IP - 19 4099 - 4100 - AB - Strontium ranelate, an antiosteoporotic drug developed for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis, delayed radiographic progression of knee osteoarthritis and improved symptoms. This reports on The Efficacy and Safety of Two Doses of Strontium Ranelate Versus Placebo, Administered Orally for Three Years in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis [SEKOIA] trial [Reginster JY et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2012].