PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Vinall, Phil ED - McDougall, Cameron TI - The Penumbra Stroke Trial DP - 2008 May 01 TA - MD Conference Express PG - 13--14 VI - 8 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - AB - Currently, the only approved treatments for thromboembolus in acute stroke are the thrombolytic agents such as tPA. However, clot-removing drugs have a high risk of bleeding complications, and they are not as effective in patients with severe strokes. The Penumbra System is a novel mechanical device designed to remove stroke-associated occlusions from the large brain vessels and is approved for use in acute stroke. The system comprises an aspirating reperfusion catheter, a separator for clearing, and a thrombus removal ring that is designed to capture calcified, hard clots.