PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Lederman, Lynne TI - SC Ibalizumab Warrants Further Study for Preventing HIV-1 Infection DP - 2014 Dec 01 TA - MD Conference Express PG - 9--10 VI - 14 IP - 28 4099 - 4100 - AB - Among the strategies being explored to prevent infection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 is ibalizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody that binds to CD4 domain 2 and blocks the entry of HIV-1 into CD4-positive T cells. This article discusses the Safety Study of Ibalizumab Subcutaneous Injection in Healthy Volunteers (TMB-108) [NCT01292174] results of a study of the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of subcutaneous injections of ibalizumab.